Seeded loaf
Country wheel

Bak­er Bleu brings back the joys of real bread using the ancient tech­niques of long fer­men­ta­tion sour­dough. We har­ness mod­ern inno­va­tion in bak­ing to cre­ate an ancient prod­uct with the least impact on our bakers.

Delicious sourdough bread & pastries, baked fresh daily

Now available to pick up 7 days a week

We make sour­dough bread & pas­tries with patience and respect to achieve bread to share and enjoy. Order your favourite breads, pas­tries and pantry items by vis­it­ing our online stores.

Our Sto­ry

Mike & Mia Rus­sell start­ed Bak­er Bleu in 2016 want­i­ng to cre­ate eth­i­cal and deli­cious sour­dough bread for Mel­bourne to enjoy. Bak­er Bleu start­ed as a small bak­ery in Elstern­wick and was lov­ing­ly embraced by the com­mu­ni­ty. In 2019 Bak­er Bleu moved to its larg­er premis­es in Caulfield North and we feel very priv­i­leged to be able to pro­vide bread to the broad­er com­mu­ni­ty and some of our favourite restaurants.