Expand­ing inter­state and open­ing in Sep­tem­ber of 2022, Mike and Mia along side renowned chef and restau­ra­teur Neil Per­ry, launched Bak­er Bleu’s first Syd­ney store in leafy Dou­ble Bay.

Sit­ting along­side Neil Per­ry’s restau­rant Mar­garet and wine bar, Next Door, Bak­er Bleu Dou­ble Bay serves the sta­ples of sour­dough bread and pas­tries, along­side a care­ful­ly select­ed range of pantry and fridge essentials.

Neil’s long time pas­sion of sand­wich mak­ing also gets the spot­light, with fresh­ly made sand­wich­es using the best sea­son­al ingre­di­ents, made daily.

Com­bin­ing both a pas­try stu­dio and sour­dough bread pro­duc­tion, we are delight­ed to serve the Dou­ble Bay and sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ty. Open 7 days a week. 

2 Guilfoyle Ave
Double Bay NSW 2028

Open 7 Days