Our Cre­morne store is our newest venue in the Bak­er Bleu fam­i­ly. Sit­u­at­ed at 65 Dover Street, we are a stone’s throw from Rich­mond rail­way sta­tion in the busi­ness district.

In store we offer all day din­ing with a menu fea­tur­ing our much-loved sand­wich­es, Roman style piz­zas, pas­tries and cof­fee as well as new­ly curat­ed sal­ads, plates and toasties. We are open sev­en days, with the option to sit in our indoor ban­quettes, at out­door tables or take­away for Cre­morne locals, vis­i­tors and work­ers alike. You can also pick up our sig­na­ture dark crust bread and pantry essen­tials to take home.

We also offer a wide range of cater­ing for your events. Host­ing a meet­ing? Hav­ing a staff lunch? We can pro­vide sand­wich­es, whole trays of piz­zas, pas­try packs, drinks and snacks to sat­is­fy any appetite. Order via our web­site or get in touch to find out more.

Mel­bourne-based stu­dio IF Archi­tec­ture has led the design of our new store deliv­er­ing a mod­ern fit out fea­tur­ing tex­tur­al mate­ri­als from alu­mini­um and stain­less steel to Amer­i­can oak, com­ple­ment­ing our sig­na­ture blue brand­ing. Recy­cled alu­mini­um cladding wraps the walls and ceil­ing in a strik­ing pat­tern rem­i­nis­cent of soft, elas­tic bub­bling dough, evok­ing the rus­tic charm of tra­di­tion­al bread making.

Open sev­en days, we can’t wait to wel­come you in store!

Mon­day to Fri­day
7am — 4:30pm

65 Dover Street

MON-FRI 7am—4.30pm
SAT/SUN 7am—3pm