Bak­er Bleu Cater­ing offers a wide vari­ety of deli­cious options for your next event. Our range includes curat­ed sand­wich­es, piz­zas and pas­tries made with pre­mi­um, qual­i­ty ingre­di­ents from hand select­ed sup­pli­ers & producers.

From small to large groups, we can pro­vide you with an appetis­ing menu that will set to impress. Get in touch for your event today.


We have veg­e­tar­i­an, nut free & veg­an options. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, we are unable to offer gluten free bread or pas­try. If you have any enquiries regard­ing dietaries, get in touch

Your Name

Please provide details about your event; number of people, products you are interested in, dietary requirements and any additional information that will help us determine your requirements.