The tail end of the lin­ger­ing sum­mer heat usu­al­ly sees a qui­eter peri­od, with school return­ing and hol­i­day go-er’s return­ing from their breaks. This year proved a dif­fer­ent speed, as it only seems to get busier here at Bak­er Bleu!

East­er 2024

In March we had one of our most suc­cess­ful East­er’s to date, as we launched our new Hot Cross Bun in Mel­bourne & Syd­ney. A sour­dough pil­lowy fruit bun with the clas­sic cross piped on top, it real­ly took our com­mu­ni­ty by storm! We worked with Kar­la Dawes Press Office for our launch which kicked off a suc­cess­ful East­er sea­son. You can still get the fruit buns in store, sans cross. 

We par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Bak­er’s Dozen Mar­ket for Mel­bourne Food & Wine Fes­ti­val which was a huge hit! Many pas­try lovers from all over were in atten­dance with long lines form­ing each day, we offered our Pain Suisse, Feta & Za’atar Twist and a lim­it­ed edi­tion Cin­na­mon babka. 

New prod­ucts 

Our ded­i­cat­ed team have also been work­ing on intro­duc­ing new prod­ucts into the mix and also intro­duc­ing recipes from our book Bake it till you make it’

Cus­tard Tarts

A homage to the Por­tuguese vari­ety (Pasteis de Nata) they are high­ly addic­tive and deserve to be on your BB rota­tion! These tarts are a sweet cus­tard spiced with cin­na­mon and baked in flakey crois­sant dough. Enjoy with a cof­fee or on the go. 

Fin­ger Buns

Child­hood nos­tal­gia at its best. Our Fin­ger Bun is a sweet lit­tle sat­is­fy­ing treat made with our pil­lowy fruit bun dough, topped with a rasp­ber­ry but­ter­cream and coconut. Try and not eat yours before you get home, or stop by and enjoy at our bakery. 

Cin­na­mon Buns

If you’re seek­ing a reli­gious expe­ri­ence in your life, look no fur­ther than our new cin­na­mon bun. Filled with cin­na­mon but­ter and crème fraiche icing in a soft doughy tex­ture, it goes per­fect­ly with a cof­fee or sim­ply just on its own!


We like to change our fougasse over the sea­sons. There has been Olive, then Gochu­jang and Spring Onion, and also Onion & Rosemary…this Autumn we intro­duced Ched­dar & Jalapeño which is fly­ing off our shelves! Get yours every Fri­day to Sunday. 

Bake it till you make it recipes

For the month of March we pro­duced week­ly spe­cials from our book Bake it till you make it’ includ­ing an olive focac­cia, cin­na­mon cof­fee scroll, mush­room & bechamel tart and Neil Per­ry’s egg sal­ad sandwich.