As we approach our sev­enth Christ­mas here at Bak­er Bleu, we reflect back on anoth­er great year of grow­ing and expand­ing. Our bak­eries in Caulfield North & Hawks­burn are a pop­u­lar des­ti­na­tion in each com­mu­ni­ty, and we great­ly appre­ci­ate our hard work­ing staff and return­ing customers. 

We are geared up for a crack­ing Christ­mas sea­son, with our retail cus­tomers plan­ning their hol­i­day menus, and whole­sale cus­tomers already in the thick of a busy few weeks. 

In the spir­it of gift giv­ing, we are very excit­ed for the first time to be offer­ing Christ­mas ham­pers from Bak­er Bleu! 

Our Sweet ham­per will sat­is­fy any­one’s sweet tooth, with local pro­duc­ers in the spotlight. 

Our Savoury ham­per has your essen­tial pantry prod­ucts that can set you up for a deli­cious meal. 

Avail­able to buy in store, they are a per­fect gift for those who love and appre­ci­ate good food.

Sweet Ham­per

  • Bak­er Bleu Granola 
  • Jam Lady Jam Straw­ber­ry Aniseed Jam
  • Miel­lerie Tas­man­ian Honey
  • Hunt­ed & Gath­ered Sea­son­al Chocolate
  • Bak­er Bleu Tea Towel
  • Deglon But­ter Knife
  • Bak­er Bleu Bread Bag


Savoury Ham­per

  • Frankies NYC Deli Pickles
  • Bak­er Bleu Health Crackers
  • New­man’s Seed­ed Mustard
  • Alfie’s Thai Sweet Chilli Cashews
  • Ortiz Anchovies
  • Bak­er Bleu Tea Towel
  • Deglon But­ter Knife
  • Bak­er Bleu Bread Bag
