Whole­grain Milling has been a part of the Bak­er Bleu sto­ry since its incep­tion in 2016. Mat and the team based in Gunnedah, NSW, pro­vide us with a vari­ety of sus­tain­able and her­itage flours, which are used to cre­ate our deli­cious sour­dough bread and pas­tries. They share our val­ues of sus­tain­abil­i­ty, trace­abil­i­ty and the focus toward a heath soil future. When the oppor­tu­ni­ty arrived to cre­ate a cus­tom flor bag for Bak­er Bleu, we jumped at the opportunity! 

Our friends at Stu­dio Round cre­at­ed this bold cus­tom design fea­tur­ing our favourite breads. Our com­pa­ny ethos is to upcy­cle and recy­cle where pos­si­ble. These bags are cut into sheets by our Front of House team and used to line our bread crates for whole­sale cus­tomers, pret­ty cool!