
Spray with water, wrap in foil, 160 deg for 10 mins. No spray bot­tle? Wet hands and rub bread, place in oven as above.

Coun­try Wheel

Groups of rolls can be sprayed or wet with a lit­tle water, wrap in foil and place in oven at 160 deg for 10 mins.


Place on bak­ing tray 160 deg for 10 mins, let pas­tries cool before eat­ing to revive crispy outer.


Best frozen imme­di­ate­ly or toast­ed next day.

Dark Rye

Cut as you need. Out­er may be dry, but inter­nal is moist.

Any Sliced Bread

Keep in Bak­er Bleu Bio bag, ensure bread is com­plete­ly cold before seal­ing to avoid mould.

Watch our video below for a visu­al guide!